Present your vacation region

Destination Management

Boost the popularity of your hotel city or region. Content depicting main location highlights, attractions & activities, local dishes, and other most interesting details of the area in combination with your special offers will help you to start selling more. Create deals, attract new visitors, and enjoy increased sales.

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Why is it necessary

Hotels located in popular tourist spots usually don’t have to care about occupancy. Everyone wants to visit Berlin, Venice, or New York. There are gigabytes of information about their sights, local dishes, and restaurants. But what should other hotels do to attract more guests to their region? How can they compete with properties in worldwide famous tourist spots? That’s why we offer destination management services - a beneficial solution for both parties: for guests who read exciting content and explore new travel goals, as well as for hoteliers who sell their deals on these pages with destinations.


How does it work

Special offers grow in their popularity because they are more interesting than just room bookings. So, thanks to our Deal Composer, you can create your hotel packages in a mere few minutes. What they will include is at your choice. It can be a romantic trip for two with spa treatments or family holidays with appropriate services.
Full information about a country, city, or event increases a chance that holidaymakers will book a special offer.

Our task is to write articles about the place where your property is located and spark the interest of the customer in it. We will highlight popular tourist attractions, free-time activities, restaurants, specialties, festivals, and many other things every traveler needs. Also, we make research exploring benefits of each destination and give useful tips on how to spend the best vacation there (like a season to come, food to try, how to get discounts on attractions, etc.). In other words, it will be landing pages for your deals to present them in a favorable light.

If there is a large festival near your hotel, create deals for these dates, and we will write about the reasons why it is worth seeing. In case your business is in close vicinity to a ski resort, our readers will know that it is a good option for a winter vacation. Or maybe you are a neighbor of a trade fair?

Each location has its unique charm, and we turn it into words.
Providing extensive research of destinations and a wide choice of special offers at any taste, you open new horizons of traveling for your potential guests.

Do you want to change your hotel without any revenue lost and start selling smart? Request your individual price.
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Favorable conditions

Easy to sell deals.

Easy to promote hotel services.

Revenue increase

Attract new guests to your region.

Grow your clientele.

Professional consulting

We solve many problems modern hoteliers are facing.

A full package of hotel management tools to improve your business.


Destination Management
Select the package that fits your hotel best, pay and get access to the smart software immediately

Concierge App

Hotel Software

Marketing Kit

Deal Features

Sale Features

Find out how you can sell more rooms and hotel services, attract new repeat customers, and dramatically improve your property without any risks. To be progressive is easy with HotelFriend!
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HotelFriend Features

Hotel Management


Department Management

Employee Management

Room Management

Hotel Dashboard


Maintenance Management

Mobile Hotel Live Chat

Operations Outsourcing

Task Management

Finance & Payment

Accounting and Document

Payment Management

Reporting System

Booking Balance

Digital Cash Book

Revenue Management

Room Rates

Service Management

Guest Relations

Guest Management

Booking Request, Offer

Self Check-In

Guest Communications

Communication Automation

Digital Marketing

Hotel Website Development

Destination Management

Deal, Package Composer